Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Progress: The One Stop Solution

Progress: The One Stop Solution
This is meant to be a follow up to the opinion piece called, "Progress: Booze or Lose". I was very pleased with the online community’s debate on the subject of legalizing alcohol sales in the area. I’d like to address something else that needs to be said. This is something I realized when I have talked with people that have read the article.
Alcohol is not a one stop solution to the economic problems in Middlesboro and Bell County. I never said it was. I always stated this is just one step in the progress of the area. There are many other decisions and actions that need to be taken in order to aid the area's development. The future economy of Middlesboro and Bell County depends on decision makers to take action and work for the progress of the area.
That being said, one solution to the economic problems in the area is to get new people in public office that are willing to break the status quo and adopt a progressive (not necessarily liberal, but progressive) view and work for progress and change in the area. I am not saying that the current elected officials are unwilling to do the job, but I certainly think that something has caused the economy to go stagnant. I feel the current decision makers have been idle in their actions to rectify these problem.
Another solution is to get involved. Find out who your councilman or councilwoman is and put pressure on them to take corrective action regarding the local economy. Contact the Mayor directly. Write them letters, make phone calls, do something. Put pressure on them to make decisions that best reflect your interests, your values, and your thoughts about what should be done in the area. They are elected by you and work for you. They have a responsibility to do what is best for the area and are ultimately held accountable by you.
As for the religious groups that are perceived as holding back the area; they are currently able to influence our elected officials because they are organized by a dynamic leader. The difference between those religious groups and most people in Bell County and Middlesboro is organization. Collective voices represent collective votes that are necessary to stay in office. If collectively Bell County and Middlesboro residents united and called their elected officials to demand change or even held rallies for a particular cause (think Nehemiah Action), these officials have no choice but to heed the demands of the people. As far as I can tell from reviewing the online community’s postings, it seems that there is overwhelming support for legalizing the sale of alcohol. If this is the case, then the voices of the majority should drown out those of the minority. No one should fall victim to the "tyranny of the minority".
What I am advocating for is getting involved, taking action, getting organized, and doing something. The time for action is now. This is the first step in reaching a solution. Let your voice be heard. I am just a single voice speaking the thoughts of those that have yet to speak up. I am not the first and I shall not be the last. Speak up, let others hear you. You have a right to be heard and a right to your opinions regardless of religious persecution that may come your way. The decision is, and should be, yours on how the area progresses. In the words of Mahatma Ghandi; "Be the change you want to see in the world".

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